
Video capture software dazzle dvc 100 windows 10
Video capture software dazzle dvc 100 windows 10

Maybe if I had bought a more expensive device I wouldn't have had so many problems initially. I think I only paid like $45 dollars or something like that for it. I'll be the first to admit that the Dazzle is a very inexpensive device. I'm not sure.įor this entire thing I am using a Vista 64-bit computer with 4 gigs of RAM and a Dazzle dvc 100 capture device. I read somewhere that Roxio 10 converts video at a 5 times faster rate than Roxio 9. I think the upgrade to Roxio 10 turned the trick and allowed me to record at the highest quality without dropping frames. So far (knock on wood), after recording about 15 minutes of video from a vhs player (using composite red, yellow, and white inputs into a Dazzle 100) I have not had a problem and all seems to work well. Following advice I found on the internet, I captured to an external hard drive. I also, of course, turned off my internet connection. I ran my computer with all anti-virus and anti-malware programs turned off. I left the capture quality at dv 720 x 480 (the highest quality as I understand it). This made the capture run beautifully (at least for the time I tried it out) with no dropped frames. I also, of course, turned off my internet connection while doing this.

video capture software dazzle dvc 100 windows 10

I also ran the computer with my Norton anti-virus turned off and my Spybot turned off and all other malware watching programs turned off. Capturing at dv 720 x 480 quality caused my capture to drop frames. I also lowered the capture quality from 720 x 480 dv to 720 x 480 mpeg 2 (8 mb). Way number 1: Following advice I found on the internet, I hooked up an external hard drive and captured to it (not to my internal hard drive). As it turns out, I found out that the name for this phenomenon is apparently "dropping frames." After a lot of research, I found two different ways to fix the problem of dropped frames. Everything would be fine for 2 or 3 minutes, then bam, it would go out of sync or appear to skip.

video capture software dazzle dvc 100 windows 10

I had a problem with "jerky" video and sound that was not matched correctly to the video (out of sync) which I was trying to copy from my vcr. I am getting consistent sound from the VCR and some video, but the video is extremely choppy. USB capture card installed fine and appears in the Device Manager (see image below). Just picked up Creator 2010 with a video capture USB.

Video capture software dazzle dvc 100 windows 10